The usually calm-going Sharwanand who steers away from any controversies has shocked the movie lovers with his latest action. The ‘Sreekaram’ actor has reportedly sent a legal notice to the movies’ producers 14 Reels Plus over partial payment and cheque bounce.
The buzz is that the actor hasn’t received the full payment that was decided at the time of him signing the project. The makers of the movie earlier promised to pay him Rs 6 crores out of which Rs 2 crore was left balance. This amount was paid to the actor in form of a cheque but it bounced compelling the actor to take the legal route.
Sreekaram released theatrically on 11th March and made digital premiere SunNxt in April. Kishore B directed this family drama that sheds light on the plight of farmers and their struggles. The movie failed to impress both critics and audience and was declared a flop at the box office.
It will be interesting to see how Ram Achanta and Gopichand Achanta, the makers of the movie would respond to this legal trouble.