Shankar’s Brand Shift from 2015 to 2025 is unexpected. Director Shankar has a star image like a big Telugu director in the Telugu market despite coming from the Tamil film industry. In 2015, Shankar’s I movie starring Vikram opened hugely in Telugu states, and its numbers were on par with those of tier 1 stars. Shankar’s Brand Shift from 2015 to 2025 is unexpected.
Even with the unanimous disaster word of mouth, I, the film, collected more than 50 Cr gross in Telugu states, which was a big task for our big stars to pull a disaster film with more than 50 Cr gross in Telugu states. That’s how Shankar’s brand worked at that time.
Even 2 Point 0, which had a delayed release, did well in Telugu states and collected more than 100 Cr gross. Shankar Shanmugham’s real downfall started with Indian 2, and with his latest release, Game Changer, he himself became the biggest negative for the film.
In 2015 even with disaster talk, people came to the theaters to see the film as Shankar made it. However, in 2025 despite getting better word of mouth, Game Changer, starring Ram Charan did not attract audiences to the theaters. There is a complete changeover in the brand image of the director.