Brand Shankar Stumbles in Tamil Nadu with Game Changer. Shankar is undoubtedly a legendary director who ruled as the number-one filmmaker until a few years ago and he raised the Tamil market to a much bigger level.
But now he is facing very tough times as even a minimum percentage of audiences are also not coming to theatres for his films. If any star collaborates with Tamil top directors some numbers will be expected from Tamil markets. Even with a disaster talk, Spyder collected more than 25 Cr gross in Tamil Nadu.
Jawan also gathered huge nos in Tamil Nadu, and it is a record for a Bollywood film by a big margin. So, the trade expected the same thing from Game Changer as the director has a reputation among audiences. Brand Shankar Stumbles in Tamil Nadu with Game Changer.
Shockingly the film had a disastrous weekend with just a 6 Cr gross collection and the number includes the Telugu version as well. Game Changer’s Tamil Nadu breakeven number is at 35 Cr gross, but achieving even half of looks is not possible now. This is definitely a big fall for Shankar.