Indian 2 starring Kamal Haasan and directed by Shankar is all set for release this July 12th. The film’s trailer was released yesterday and evoked a mixed response from all sections. Kamal Haasan plays the role of 106 year old old man in this film since the film being a sequel to Indian. So, there were many questions regarding the age issue portrayal in the film. Shankar and Kamal Haasan have clarified about this age issue in Indian 2 at a press meet yesterday.
The old man character of Kamal Haasan was seen doing action stunts in the trailer which gave rise to these doubts. The same was even asked by the reporters to both Shankar and Kamal Haasan. Kamal Haasan then replied saying he would like to play a 140 year old as well if decided by Shankar. He also said he would also want to act till the age of 120 years if he was still alive.
Director of the film, Shankar said that he took inspiration from a real life Martial artist from China. He compared Senapathy’s character (played by Kamal Haasan in the film) to Lu Jijian, who performed action stunts even when he was 120 years old. The director also felt the character of Senapathy resembles the same kind of a martial art, Marma Kala.