Maverick Director, Shankar is currently busy in promotional activities for his upcoming film, Indian 2. The Director is interacting with reporters about many things and he has also announced his next projects other than Indian 3, third part in Indian series. Shankar is also working for Game Changer starring Ram Charan which is also under shoot stage currently.
Shankar said that he had three ideas about his upcoming films. One will be historical and the other will follow James Bond films’ style and last one is related to science fiction like 2012. These three films will surely require high budget and VFX works. When asked about Game Changer the director replied that there were only 15-20 days of shooting left. He also was confident of finishing it after Indian 2 release.
Shankar will concentrate on Indian 3 after Game Changer as well. It needs to be seen which film he’ll take forward as his next film after these two films. The Director also rejected that he wanted to make a film like Avatar which deals with Underwater world and adventure. On the other hand, Indian 2 is all set for release this July 12th worldwide in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi.