Game Changer starring Ram Charan is directed by Shankar. The film was launched three years ago is still under the production stage. Fans and Audience have expected Game Changer to release long ago but it was halted due to the Director Shankar’s commitment for his Indian 2. No interesting update has been released till now without a song from the film. Now, Shankar and Dil Raju are getting abused badly online with a massive hashtag trend on X/Twitter.
Shankar became busy with his Indian 2 and worked for it full time. The film released recently and became one of the biggest disasters in the recent times. There is no update regarding Shankar after the debacle of Indian 2. He seems to be disappointed completely. On the other hand, this is affecting Game Changer. Release date of the film has not yet been confirmed by the makers officially. The Producer of the film, Dil Raju is also getting trolled alongwith Shankar for not giving any update regarding the film.
The Hashtag trend has already crossed 2 Lakh Tweets suprising everyone. Shankar must take the whole responsibility for being careless about Game Changer. This is not at all a proper sign for a big-budgeted film to not have any update till now after one mere song release. This is definitely poor planning and reckless attitude from both Shankar and makers of Game Changer.