The pre-wedding celebrations of Ananth Ambani and Radhika took place in Jamnagar. Among Tollywood celebrities, only Ram Charan and his wife Upasana attended the event. All bollywood stars were present, with the Khan trio joining Ram Charan for Naatu Naatu song dance, becoming one of the major highlights and going viral on the internet.
However, Shahrukh Khan’s comments towards Ram Charan are now facing significant criticism. Upasana’s makeup artist officially addressed the issue, expressing hurt over Shahrukh Khan’s invitation to Ram Charan onstage, referring to him as ‘Idly’ and ‘Vada.’ She mentioned walking out of the event after hearing these comments.
This incident has also saddened many Telugu audiences. Instances like this, where Bollywood stars attempt to downgrade South Indian cinema, have occurred before. While not all Bollywood stars engage in such behavior, some have made disrespectful comments about South cinema. While Shahrukh Khan may perceive these comments as humorous, Telugu audiences and fans view them as disrespectful.