Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan is the most eagerly awaited film in Indian cinema and which is expected to be a solid blockbuster at the box office. The film marks the Hindi Film Debut of Blockbuster Tamil Director, Atlee, and stars Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in the lead roles. There has been a lot of talk about the teaser and the release date of the movie, and it is being said that the teaser date of Jawan is locked.
Jawan’s official teaser will be launched on July 7th and there are slight chances of getting it to postponed to next week. Shah Rukh Khan and Atlee will launch the Jawan Teaser in a grand way as per the reports. Apparently it will be the biggest digital launch ever, and the teaser is said to give a surprise to everybody as it shows Shah Rukh Khan like never before. The teaser’s launch of Jawan will be mostly done in Chennai on July 7th.
Jawan is set to be a Pan India release on September 7 and has its music composed by Anirudh Ravichander. It’s touted to be one of the biggest films of 2023. The film is produced by Red Chillies Entertainment with Atlee.
It was reported that Sanjay Dutt had been roped in for a special cameo in the film. The role was initially offered to Allu Arjun, but he dropped out and at that time even the name of Thalapathy Vijay was also appeared for the same role, but it did not materialize.