Kantara, the Kannada movie of Rishab Shetty is doing exceptional business all across the country. Ever since it’s coming in multiple dubbed languages, the film is witnessing an unprecedented run and now it’s become hard to foresee where the movie will eventually end at the box office.
Directed by Rishab Shetty, who also acted in two major roles the movie is creating history at the box office. Not only in Kannada cinema but the film is busting the myths around box office collections even in other languages. After a decent start on its first day, the movie showed substantial growth with the help of extraordinary word-of-mouth and is becoming a monster thanks to the tremendous love it is receiving in the dubbed versions too.
Yesterday, The Kantara movie had its biggest day at the box office. The film has performed on a sensational note everywhere. In Telugu states the movie has collected more than 5.5 Crores gross, In Hindi the movie has collected 4 Crores net, In Tamil Nadu, it fetched more than 1 Crore gross. And in Karnataka which is its homeland numbers are very huge on Sunday. Overall Kantara movie collected more than 20 crores gross worldwide on Sunday. The movie has already crossed the 100 crores mark and now heading toward the 150 Crores mark.
With the remarkable impact it’s shown on the audience and the huge numbers it is gathering at the box office, Kantara movie has proved again that the content is king and audiences will love and encourage good content movies without bothering who is the hero and which language it is.
Kantara movie was released in the Telugu states on Saturday and many people in trade circles is feeling that it will have a good long run and it has every chance to effect new releases in the next week. Let’s wait and see whose film will dominate the next weekend.