Senior Telugu actress and Andhra Pradesh State Tourism Minister R K Roja has been admitted to the hospital after she complained of uneasiness. The news soon went viral. It is being reported that her family members took her to the Apollo Hospital, Crims Road in Chennai on Saturday night and she is currently undergoing treatment.
A few days ago, Roja suffered a sprain in her leg and underwent physiotherapy for a week. However, the pain did not get less and started to trouble her more. She has been admitted to Apollo Hospital at the Thousand Lights, Chennai.
Roja often makes headlines as she’s an active politician who does not hesitate to behave aggressively and gets involved in verbal war with the opposition party members. Now, the news of Roja being hospitalized has become viral. According to the reports, doctors are treating her intensively and her condition is now stable.
Roja is a National Award-winning veteran actress in South Indian cinema. She stepped into the politics of Andhra Pradesh and married director RK Selvamani in the early 2000s. The couple has a daughter and a son. Roja is currently serving as a Minister in the Andhra Pradesh Government.
Roja began her political career in 1998 with the Telugu Desam Party and joined with the YSR Congress Party in 2011. She was elected as an MLA from Nagari region in Andhra Pradesh twice in 2014 and 2019. Roja left the film industry permanently in 2022 and became the Minister for Tourism, Culture, and Youth Advancement of Andhra Pradesh.