Kollywood Actor Siddarth and Bollywood Actress Aditi Rao Hydari have been in a relationship for a long time. The couple was even spotted at some parties and events. Many audiences and fans felt that they might marry soon. And if the news is to be believed the actor Siddarth has tied the knot with Aditi Rao Hydari.
Siddarth and Aditi Rao Hydari together starred in a Telugu film, Maha Samudram directed by Ajay Bhupathi. They started dating after this film and went into a relationship. Now after 3 years, they have finally married. As per the news, both married in a temple in Wanaparthy district in Telangana. However, no official post came out regarding this. It is believed that Siddarth tied the knot with Aditi Rao Hydari secretly. Only close relatives and friends attended the marriage as per rumors. This will be Siddarth’s second marriage. He earlier married a girl and divorced after some years. Siddarth allegedly went into a relationship with Samantha but they got separated after some time.
On the work front, Siddarth recently starred in a Tamil film, Chittha which did well also. He also played a crucial role in Shankar’s much-awaited directorial, Indian 2 sequel to Indian/Bharateeyudu.