Satyadev who is quickly rising the ranks in Telugu film industry has now added another feather to his cap. He will be soon seen in a Bollywood biggie. Reportedly, he has bagged a key role in Akshay Kumar starrer ‘Ram Setu’. Akshay Kumar will be playing the role of an archeologist in the movie. Directed by Abhishek Sharma, the movie is currently under shooting stage.
Satyadev will be next seen in ‘Thimmarasu,- a suspense thriller. The movie is all set to release on May 21st. Post Thimmarasu, he will be seen in movies such as ‘Godse’ and ‘Gurthunda Seetakalam’. Satyadev has indeed carved a niche for himself in Tollywood with great performances in recent times.Especially his work in movies such as Uma Maheshwara Rao Ugra Roopasya and Brochevarevarura has been well appreciated. Now with him bagging this Bollywood biggie, it looks like busier and more successful days are ahead.