The Telugu trailer for Karthi and Aravind Swamy starter Sathyam Sundaram was released yesterday. Directed by CP Prem Kumar who earlier directed 96, this comedy-drama is produced by Surya and Jyothika under 2 D Entertainments.
The audience received the Sathyam Sundaram trailer well, and the camaraderie between Karthi and Aravind Swamy stood as the major highlight of the trailer. The film promises to be a roller coaster of emotions. Packed with heartwarming background music and soothing visuals, the trailer featured some extremely sweet moments between Karthi and Aravind Swamy.
Karthi, as always with his natural comic timing and emotional performance impressed while Aravind Swamy’s subtle performance as a man taking a peek into his past was extremely endearing. While nothing much about the story has been revealed in the trailer, it surely is going to be a journey packed with emotions. Sathyam Sundaram will hit the big screens on 28th September.