The recent stills from Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata leaked and is causing fresh troubles for the movie unit. The team has been taking special precautions to ensure no still or making videos get leaked. The massive anticipation for the film is leading to frequent leaks of on-shoot pics or videos of the Superstar.
This has been a cause of concern for the makers for quite some time. The fans, however, are surely enjoying these unofficial Sarkaru Vaari Paata leaked content. The movie will feature Mahesh in a totally different character and these stills are further evoking curiosity and anticipation for the movie is growing day by day.
The movie’s shoot is going on at a great pace and Parasuram and Mahesh Babu are taking great care to ensure the film finishes without any delays. Mythri Movie Makers are bankrolling this prestigious project. SS Thaman is composing the music for this action drama.