Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, starring Nani, has collected 3Cr share on its second day of release In Telugu states. On its first day, the has collected 6 Crore share In Telugu states. However, by the second day, the film’s collections in Telugu states had decreased by approximately 50%. Total Telugu states theatrical rights are valued at 30 Cr , For 2 days it just recovered 30% of business. The film must needs a big jump on Saturday and Sunday.
The film’s release on Thursday proved to be a huge disadvantage. If the picture had been released on Friday, the drop would not have been as dramatic on the second day.The picture needs to pick up momentum on Saturday and Sunday in order to reach a high total by the end of its first weekend.
However, the movie is doing well in the United States. After massive premiers Even on Day One, it generated more than $300,000, the greatest first-day total in Nani’s career, Continues the same momentum in Second day also. The total worldwide share for two days will be in the range of 17 crore. So the movie’s worldwide recovery for two days is 40%. The movie is expected to be fully booked over the weekend. Nani has really high expectations for this film.