Nani’s latest film, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, has debuted with a bang at the box office. Although the picture was released on Thursday, August 29, 2924, the box office collections are impressive. Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is on track to become a box office megahit, based on the positive reviews.
This film, directed by Vivek Athreya, debuted strongly in the United States. The film has earned about $750k from its premiere shows alone. Nani is overjoyed because this is the second-highest position he has ever held.
According to film industry sources, producer DVV Danayya has recovered half of the film’s costs through an OTT rights deal. If the picture flopped, the producers agreed with Netflix that it would be available within one month of its release date. But Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is a hit, and the OTT release will be eagerly anticipated.
Netflix paid a high price for the film’s OTT rights. According to recent reports, the film will most likely be available for streaming from September 27, 2024. The producers are negotiating with Netflix for a delayed release. Will Netflix agree to this or prefer to release on the agreed-upon date is unknown.So everyone is eagerly awaiting its OTT streaming.