Saripodhaa Sanivaaram starring Nani released yesterday amidst good hype and expectations. The film also had SJ Suryah playing a powerful role alongside Nani. The film registered good occupancies and housefulls as well on the opening day. But Saripodhaa Sanivaaram has failed to beat the opening day performances of Double Ismart and Bharateeyudu 2 which released this year.
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram has managed to establish a good record worldwide on the opening day by collecting a share of 11.19 crores. But the film, as said has failed to perform well in both AP and TG falling behind Double Ismart and Bharateeyudu 2 by collecting a share of 5.9 crores. Both these films took better opening than Saripodhaa Sanivaaram on the opening day in Telugu States even with a bad talk.
Double Ismart share stands at more than 6 crores and Bharateeyudu 2 also has a share of nearly 6.7 crores. This is definitely a bad news for the team. The film needs to pick well in the weekend to become a big hit. Saripodhaa Sanivaaram has obviously achieved a good word of mouth and reviews than these two films. But it needs to be seen how it performs in Telugu States barring Overseas market.