Nani is preparing for the debut of his highly awaited action film, ‘Saripodhaa Sanivaaram,’ which will hit theaters on Saturday, August 29. Directed by Vivek Athreya, the film has garnered a lot of talk and enthusiasm among fans and moviegoers alike.
The film’s plot revolves around Surya and his anger issues. Surya confronts a corrupt police officer, which changes the course of the tale. The film is full of violent scenes and mob fighting. Violence is frequently represented in stylized fight scenes with bloody details and the use of improvised weapons such as sticks, bottles, and metal.
One scene depicts a man using shears to cut off his captive’s finger, although it lacks visual detail. Domestic abuse is depicted in a flashback as a man kicks his scared wife in front of their daughter. Later, the abuser berates family members for refusing to reveal the location of his wife and child.
Despite the fact that the move is heavy on violence, the board did not call for any edits, albeit a harsh word was muffled in four or five positions.
Violence is frequently represented in stylized fight scenes with bloody details and the use of improvised weapons such as sticks, bottles, and metal.