‘Natural Star’ Nani’s vigilante thriller Saripodha Sanivaaram (2024) has hit the screens last Thursday to positive reviews from critics and audiences. And expectedly, it performed well on its first day, collecting an estimated gross of INR 20 crore.
Of course the heavy rains in Telugu states have played a spoilsport, but in spite of that, the Vivek Athreya-directorial has managed to pull audiences to theaters. Overall, Saripodha Sanivaaram has minted a worldwide share of INR 24.55 crore, with a staggering INR 7.5 crore from overseas alone.
The Sunday’s advance bookings look impressive, and considering the Vinayaka Chavithi weekend ahead, the film is expected to perform well in its second week too. Saripodha Sanivaaram also features Priyanka Arul Mohan and S. J. Suryah in crucial roles.