Akshay Kumar joined hands with Sudha Kongara for Sarfira, the remake of her Soorarai Pottru/Aakasam Nee Hadduraa. He reprised the role of Suriya as the lead Actor. Sarfira released yesterday i.e., on July 12th worldwide but received negative reviews. Now Sarfira has also become Akshay Kumar Career’s Worst Opening.
Sarfira has opened with a mere 2.5 Nett opening in India which is Akshay Kumar career’s biggest disastrous opening. This number is even lesser than his previous bombs, Bell Bottom which made 2.8 crores, Selfie with 2.6 crores and Mission Ranigan with 2.75 crores. Akshay Kumar has been struggling with no proper hits. Even though the film has unanimous positive reviews but it’s not reflecting on collections. On Day 2 the film just collected 4 Cr nett and the movie heading towards big disaster,He once had great blockbusters in his career but its not working now. All his recent films have flopped or become disasters. Bade Miyan Chote Miyan too bombed recently at the box office.
He thought Sarfira may give him the much needed relief since the film was a National award winning film. Suriya won the National Award for Best Actor with this film. So, Akshay Kumar has to take a break and concentrate properly on the content. He is also missing his comedy based films for which he once was famous of. He needs to come up with such films but not with action entertainers or Patriotic films.