A sequel to the 2012 summer superhit Gabbar Singh, Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh might have disappointed in the long run but had sensational collections on day 1. This action drama collected Rs 20.97 crores on day one in AP and Telangana. Here’s detailed information on the area wise Sardaar Gabbar Singh 1st Day AP/TG Collections
Sardaar Gabbar Singh 1st Day AP/TG Collections
Nizam | ₹ 5.03 Cr | ₹ -- |
Ceded | ₹ 4.15 Cr | ₹ -- |
Uttarandhra | ₹ 2.01 Cr | ₹ -- |
Guntur | ₹ 2.46 Cr | ₹ -- |
East Godavari | ₹ 2.26 Cr | ₹ -- |
West Godavari | ₹ 2.7 Cr | ₹ -- |
Krishna | ₹ 1.51 Cr | ₹ -- |
Nellore | ₹ 0.85 Cr | ₹ -- |
AP/TS | ₹ 20.97 Cr | ₹ -- |
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Disclaimer: The box office figures are compiled from various sources. The figures can be approximate and TrackTollywood does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data. However they are adequately indicative of the box-office performance of the film(s).