Young director Sankalp Reddy is all set to set his foot in Bollywood. The ‘Ghazi’ director will be next handling a spy thriller IB-71. Action star Vidyut Jammwal will star in the lead role in this spy thriller and will also be producing it.
The film is reportedly based on the heroics on Indian Intelligence Officers during a war with Pakistan. How the timely inputs from the Intelligence Bureau officers gave India an advantage over Pakistan is what the story is about. Vidyut Jammwal will be playing the role of an Intelligence Bureau officer in this thriller.
Apparently, Vidyut’s production house approached Sankalp Reddy after they watched his movies Ghazi and Antariksham. The team shared the script of IB71 with the director and asked him if he could direct it.
Sankalp is currently getting the screenplay ready for the film and if all goes well, IB71 will go on floors in December. The rest of the cast ad crew will be finalized soon.