The fourth installment of Baaghi series, Baaghi 4 has been commenced recently. Lead Actor of the film, Tiger Shroff first look poster was released last month which showed him in a bloody avatar. Now, another Bollywood Actor, Sanjay Dutt has come onboard for Baaghi 4 for a role. A poster has been released showing him in a fierce and emotional moment confirming him as the antagonist.
Directed by A. Harsha, the film is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under his Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment. Baaghi 4 release date has also been confirmed as on 5th September 2025. This film will also be made on a high budget and will surely cater to the action loving audience just as its prequels.
Tiger Shroff is hoping to give a comeback with this film. All his recent films have become disappointments. However, Singham Again which released this year in which he played an extended cameo appearacne became a decent success grossing more than 300 crores worldwide.