Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has become much busy in the South Indian film industry with getting offers one after another. His image and craze got doubled after KGF 2, and he has now become the top choice for the villain roles. It is widely known that he will appear in Thalapathy Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj’s upcoming action thriller Leo, and he joined the sets of Puri Jagannath and Ram Pothineni’s Double Ismart as well.
Now the latest reports strongly suggest that Sanjay Dutt has signed Thala Ajith’s next film, Vidaamuyarchi. Ajith and Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt were spotted together in Dubai in the most recent update, and fans were quick to speculate that they were collaborating. The makers of Vidaamuyarchi have not confirmed that Sanjay Dutt will play a prominent role, but it is almost certain.
As said above, Sanjay Dutt is ready to make his Kollywood debut in Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Leo, which features Thalapathy Vijay. An official glimpse into Dutt’s character named Antony Das was released on his birthday.
Fondly called as Sanju Baba by his fans, Sanjay Dutt was recently seen in a guest role in Shah Rukh Khan’s latest action entertainer, Jawan. The film was released on September 7th and became a sensational blockbuster at the box office and has gathered over 900Cr Gross worldwide.