Samantha starrer Shaakuntalam’s trailer was launched recently which received a positive response. The team is promoting the film with good confidence, and they’re sure that the film will taste success at the box office. This Pan Indian movie was actually scheduled to release on 17th February.
However, the latest reports in the industry circles claim that the movie might not hit the big screens as per the planned date. Shaakuntalam is being postponed because the post-production works for all languages are not completed yet.
An Official announcement regarding the same is expected in a few days with a new release date. Seeing the delay in the film’s release, industry people and netizens comment that God knows why these postponements are happening continuously for Gunasekhar movies only.
Another talk is that the movie is also facing theaters issues in other languages, which is forcing the team to postpone the release. Moreover, the fact that Karthik Aryan’s Shehzada got shifted to 17th February from 10th February is sure to influence Shaakuntalam’s Hindi release.
The film was supposed to release in November, but they changed it to February because of the delay in 3D format works. Dev Mohan plays King Dushyant’s role in this flick, which is based on the play Abhigyanam Shaakuntalam written by Kalidasa.