There have been plenty of financial rumors lately about actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu. It was reported that a Telugu superstar provided her with a substantial amount of 25 crores for the financial assistance for her myositis treatment. Now the famous actress has taken to her Instagram account to clarify the situation and end these misleading statements.
Samantha denied receiving such an excessive amount for her medical treatment in her candid statement. She humorously expressed her shock at the exaggerated figure, stating that someone must have gotten a pretty bad deal if that were the situation. The actress clarified that she did not need such an amount and that she could look after herself.
“25 crores to treat myositis? Someone got you a pretty bad deal. I am glad I am only spending the smallest fraction of that. And I don’t think I was paid in marbles for all the work I’ve done in my career. So I can easily take care of myself. Thank you. Myositis is a condition thousands suffer from. Let’s, please be responsible with the information we put out regarding the treatment,” she wrote
Samantha expressed her disappointment at the spread of false information and criticized the dissemination of fake reports. She urged the media to be more accountable when sharing sensitive information about medical conditions such as myositis.
On the professional front, Samantha will be seen opposite Vijay Deverakonda in the upcoming romantic drama Kushi which is scheduled to be released on September 1,later she will also be seen in the Citadel web-series.