For years now, Samantha has been a target of various YouTube channels and anonymous social media troll accounts. The actress, however, took all these things in her stride and responded with her work and massive success. However, now the actress has decided to take an action on some YouTube channels for spreading baseless rumors against her.
Recently, several YouTube channels started stating the actress is facing some severe health issues and has been taking treatment for quite some time. Vexed by these rumours, she has now decided to give it back to them. The actress is reportedly planning to register a cyber crime case on these channels.
Back in October last year, she took similar steps on a YouTube channel. Post her divorce from Naga Chaitanya, Samantha was a target of several trolls and baseless videos from several private YouTube channels.
The actress back then filed a defamation case against three YouTube channels and analyst CL Venkata Rao. The case was filed and the hearing was held in the Kukatpally court as well.