Samantha Ruth Prabhu, in her latest Twitter post on Saturday, revealed that she has been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Myositis, which leads to weakening of muscles. The actress, sharing an update on her health, wrote that “The doctors are confident that I will make a complete recovery very soon.”
Posting a picture from the hospital, the actress started her note with these words.. “Your response to the Yashoda trailer was overwhelming. It is this love and connection that I share with all of you, that gives me the strength to deal with the seemingly unending challenges that life throws at me. A few months back I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Myositis. I was hoping to share this after it had gone into remission. But it is taking a little longer than I hoped. I am slowly realising that we don’t always need to put up a strong front. Accepting this vulnerability is something that I am still struggling with.”
The actress wrote that she is getting closer to recovery and added, “The doctors are confident that I will make a complete recovery very soon. I have had good days and bad days…. physically and emotionally…. and even when it feels like I can’t handle one more day of this, somehow that moment passes. I guess it can only mean that I am one more day closer to recovery. I love you.” She ended the post with these words.. “This too shall pass.”
The trailer of her latest film Yashoda released earlier this week. The trailer features Samantha as the surrogate mother Yashoda, unfolding the secrets of a serious medical crime with courage. Shot in Tamil and Telugu, Yashoda will be dubbed and released in three additional languages – Hindi, Kannada and Malayalam.
Directed by Hari and Harish, Yashoda will release on November 11. She will also be seen in the upcoming romantic drama film Khusi alongside Vijay Devarakonda. The movie is all set to hit the theatres in the next summer.