Salman Khan’s Kick which was an official sequel of Tollywood blockbuster Kick is set for a sequel. The Actor has announced the news officially to fans and audience excitement. Kick became a big blockbuster in Hindi raising the stardom of Salman Khan further. Producer of the Film, Sajid Nadiadwala will reprise his role again as the Producer for the sequel.
Salman Khan confirmed that the script work for the sequel is currently going on and also believed the film may gon of floors by mid 2026. Salman Khan was hosting the team of Baby John which came as guests for his show, Bigg Boss. Baby John is slated for release this Christmas and their promotional activities have yielded us an exciting news about Kick 2 interestingly.
Fun fact is Salman Khan has also played a cameo role in Baby John which was teased in the film’s Trailer. On the other hand, Salman Khan is currently working for Sikandar directed by A.R. Murugadoss co-starring Rashmika Mandanna. Sikandar is scheduled for release in 2025.