Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan has made a sensational announcement. The ‘Antim’ actor announced that there will indeed be a Bollywood sequel for the 2015 blockbuster Bajrangi Bhaijaan. The movie will be written by K Vijayendra Prasad, the father of ace director SS Rajamouli.
It was K Vijayendra Prasad, who had written the earlier installment as well. The veteran writer had earlier this year confirmed that the sequel is on and would go on floors soon.
Over the past few decades, he penned the stories of blockbusters and Industry hits like the Baahubali series, Samarasimha Reddy, Magaddheera, Simhadri, etc.
The senior writer had earlier said that he expressed the idea to Salman Khan during their last meeting and the superstar has given it a go-ahead. Vijayendra Prasad is now in the process of developing the story for Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2.