Salaar Telugu witnessed its first drop at the box office. Prashanth Neel’s directorial, Salaar Part 1: Ceasefire, starring Prabhas, has achieved many records at the box office and impressed fans of Prabhas as they loved the intense avatar of their favorite hero. Salaar Telugu witnessed its first drop at the box office.
However, Salaar Telugu witnessed its first drop at the box office. The movie has struggled to collect big numbers in other languages from the beginning, but the Telugu version of Salaar has performed exceptionally well without seeing a drop in collections. On day 5, the film also maintained strong collections and gathered a double-digit share, and everyone expected the film to maintain a stronghold and achieve break-even for Telugu buyers.
Shockingly, today, the film Salaar witnessed a big drop from the noon shows, and it did not pick up from the other shows and had the same drop. The movie will surely be a safe venture in Nizam as it performed massively for the first five days. The worry is about Andhra buyers.
Salaar should maintain strong collections in Andhra Pradesh to achieve the hit status at the box office. Today’s drop in the collections will hurt the film’s buyers in Andhra Pradesh. The second weekend has to be very big for the film, and the long New Year weekend is an advantage for Salaar buyers, and they have put their hopes on the New Year weekend.