Prabhas’ Salaar registered strong numbers on day 2 and continued the good show that it put up on its opening day. Salaar on day 2 has grossed a solid Rs 32 crores in Telugu states In north India, this Prashant Neel film has grossed Rs 20Cr while Karnataka brought in Rs 7 Cr, Kerala Rs 2.5 Cr, and Tamil Nadu contributed 3.8 Cr gross. The total all-India gross for day 2 stands at Rs 65Cr+ gross.
The overseas gross is expected to be in the range of Rs 17Cr taking the total day2 gross to Rs 83 Cr. On Day 1, Salaar grossed Rs153 Cr. The Total 2 days worldwide gross is Rs 235Cr while the breakeven is at Rs 800Cr gross.
The business of the film is around 400Crs and with the holiday and strong word of mouth, the film is expected to have an excellent weekend ahead.
Salaar Day 2 Box office performance is excellent in Telugu, while the other versions are not so encouraging. Salaar, which opened to a thunderous response from the fans and audiences, has collected a global total of 76 crores share. The film’s theatrical rights are worth 250 crores, and it earned 30% of its investment.