Malayalam Actor, Prithviraj Sukumaran revealed an interesting aspect about Salaar. He was speaking about the film in an interview for his upcoming Malayalam film, The Goat Life. He said that the first part of Salaar is actually a prelude to the actual story of the film. He said the director Prashant Neel when narrated about the film, told both parts as a single film. The actor said that the climax portion of the Salaar Part 1 was actually the Interval of the whole story.
Pruthviraj also went on to say that he himself requested Prashant Neel to make Salaar into two parts. He opined that the film has so much density and wanted a big span of length. The actor felt that even people feel the same about the film telling him personally that the film has so much information inside it. He also says that he agreed with their version and opinion.
On the work front, Prashant Neel is working on the much-awaited sequel of Salaar: Shouryanga Parvam. The film will have Prabhas’ second look and also the important cast. It is also being made with a lavishing budget and will be released across the country on a large scale. Prabhas is simultaneously working for Raja Saab under the direction of Maruthi.