Salaar starring Prabhas became one of the biggest blockbusters of Tollywood. The combination of Prabhas and Director Prashanth Neel worked out like anything grossing more than 600 crores worldwide. The film has also started attaining a cult status after repeated viewing of the film on the OTT spaces. Many video clips of Salaar’s scenes also appear daily on social media platforms endorsing this. The craze for the film has only mounted the craze for the sequel making Salaar 2 the most anticipated sequel.
TrackTollywood ran a poll recently where more than 50% of the votes out of 17,750 were polled for Salaar 2 surprisingly showcasing the range of the film. Other films like KGF 3, Kalki 2898 AD 2 and Pushpa 3 were no where near Salaar 2. This is just enough to tell how big the craze is for Salaar 2.
Salaar 2 will go on sets in 2026. Prabhas is set to work for multiple films which he signed recently. He will be finishing the pending works of The RajaSaab, Untitled film with Hanu Raghavapudi and Spirit. Till then, Prashanth Neel might also be busy with his NTRNeel starting next year.