The climax of Victory Venkatesh’s upcoming project Saindhav has been wrapped. Directed by Sailesh Kolanu and produced by Venkat Boyanapalli under Niharika Entertainment, Saindhav has created significant buzz right from the day the first look was launched.
Producer Venkat Boyanapalli showed his passion for cinema with his maiden production venture Shyam Singha Roy which was made lavishly. The producer is mounting his new film Saindhav starring Victory Venkatesh prestigiously under the banner of Niharika Entertainment with HITverse fame filmmaker Sailesh Kolanu.
Saindhav marks the milestone 75th movie of Venkatesh, and the makers are taking utmost care and making it uncompromisingly. They wrapped up a crucial schedule in 16 days where they filmed a high-octane emotional climax with 8 key actors participating in the shoot under harsh conditions. Ram-Lakshman masters supervised the intense action episode. This is the most expensive climax portion to date for Venkatesh. The team is happy with the way the movie is shaping up.
The makers introduced almost all the movie’s main characters including- Nawazuddin Siddique, Shraddha Srinath, Ruhani Sharma, Andrea Jeremiah, and Sara.
Santosh Narayanan helms the music, while S Manikandan cranks the camera. Garry BH is the editor and Avinash Kolla is the production designer. Kishore Thallur is the co-producer. Saindhav is a Pan India movie that will release in all southern languages and Hindi during Christmas on December 22nd.