Sai Durga Tej challenges Balakrishna. Sai Durgha Tej, the Mega Nephew saw a good rise in his career and established himself as one of the bankable young heroes in the Telugu film industry. He faced a slump in recent years, and encountered a personal health issue due to an unexpected accident, before his comeback film, Virupaksha. After a gap, he is now back with a film titled SYG – Sambarala Yeti Gattu.
The film’s release date is announced in the first glimpse/teaser as September 25, 2025. Interestingly, Balakrishna’s Akhanda sequel was officially announced for the 25th September release yesterday. Now the film of Sai is announced for the same date. This will be an interesting clash at the box office as Sai Durga Tej challenges Balakrishna.
The team of SYG released the teaser, which is titled “Carnage.” The teaser has a fresh backdrop and it also has violence. The two-minute teaser impresses with Ajneesh Loknath’s background score and stunning visuals. Prime Show Entertainment, the banner behind Hanu-Man backs the film while the debutant director Rohit helms it.