Late last year, it was announced that Sai Dharam Tej would join Sampath Nandi for a mass entertainer Ganjaa Shankar. This was Sai Dharam Tej’s mass commercial film after a very long gap. The film is based on real-life incidents in Telangana, dealing with social issues. and was to be bankrolled by Sithara Entertainments
Pooja Hegde was finalized as the lead actress for the film. But now the producers do not want to take a risk without closing the OTT deal. Right now OTT is the main source for non-theatrical business as satellite business has completely gone down. The movie was being planned on a record budget but OTT platforms are showing no interest in the film for makers quoted prices.
The makers have reportedly tried with multiple OTT platforms to lock the deal but it did not work for their quoted price. Now they have decided to shelve this project as there is no possibility of decreasing the budget as the story, cast, and crew need a big budget.
This is the second film to be shut down after the announcement due to budget reasons. Recently, Ravi Teja-Gopichand Malineni project was also shelved for the same reason.