Sai Dharam Tej had earlier supported Janasena during the AP Assembly Elections and also campaigned for Pawan Kalyan alongside Varun Tej and other young heroes. While other heroes campaigned and moved on, Sai Dharam Tej didn’t and his statements and social media posts have put him in a tough spot.
His posts like “State is in safe hands” after the TDP-Janasena victory has made him a social media user target. Several netizens have started questioning him when anything goes wrong in the state.
If that was not enough, his selective social-issue stand has also attracted great criticism. Recently he raised his voice against a YouTuber for making objectionable comments and memes regarding child abuse. While it was commendable, people are now expecting him to voice out on big issues as well. definitely.
Sai Dharam Tej has not spoken a single word on the Jani Master issue and his silence on such a big matter has attracted widespread criticism. Netizens believe that this selective outrage and targeting only non-industry people only is not acceptable.