Tollywood Actor, Sai Dharam Tej has been trolled for a political fan war. The Actor as we all know happens to be the nephew of another Actor Pawan Kalyan who recently became the Deputy Chief Minister of AP. An incident occurred recently in Apollo University, Chittoor where students got affected from food poisoning. This has become controversial and Sai Dharam Tej has involved himself in this controversy with a X/Twitter reply.
A person on X/Twitter asked Sai Dharam Tej to respond about this food poisoning issue that had happened. This comes in the wake of Sai Dharam Tej’s endorsement of his uncle Pawan Kalyan through a X/Twitter post once where he tweeted that AP was in safe hands. But many incidents like murders and rapes happened recently in AP which the person raised by questioning Sai Dharam Tej. But Sai Dharam Tej responded to this in a negative manner which the netizens didn’t like.
They have started trolling Sai Dharam Tej for his irresponsible response. He could have maintained silence without replying politically through his tweet. The Actor continued to give several replies politically without answering properly. This indicates the Actor’s immaturity which was also trolled by the netizens. It’s better for small scale Actors like Sai Dharam Tej to stay away from political statements like these to avoid trolling and criticism.