Sai Dharam Tej accident has become the hot topic in T-town. The actor is undergoing treatment in Hyderabad’s Apollo Hospital. Various versions and angles to the accident are being discussed and amidst all the chaos, Hyderabad police booked the actor for rash and negligent driving.
Now, GHMC has also joined the act and has imposed a fine of Rs One Lakh on the construction company Aurobindo Constructions. The company has been fined for negligently dumping the sand by the roadside which led to the bike accident.
The company has been fined under multiple sections of HMC act for unlawfully dumping silt stand on the Madhapur-Khanamet road. This caused the bike to skid and lose control which led to the accident.
Music director RP Patnaik was among many other people to demand action against the construction company. This irresponsible act caused the serious accident leading to multiple injuries to Sai Dharam Tej.