Allu Aravind’s OTT platform “AHA” is coming up with exclusive Telugu content ever since it is launched. AHA team has announced their first-ever Telugu original OTT film which is first of its kind in Tollywood.
“Run” which is a psychological thriller is directed by Lakshmikanth Chenna that stars Navadeep and Pujita Ponnada. Initially the director thought to make this content as a web series with 8 episodes. But after the pre-production work, the creative team at Aha along with Allu Aravind has suggested him to make it as a direct film. After 3 months of its pre-production work Run was completely shot within 24 days itself. It is planned to release in the month of March, but due to lockdown the post-production work got delayed. Now it is all set to stream from 29th May on “Aha”. This exclusive film was produced by director Krish and Rajeev under First Frame Entertainments.
Watch RUN Trailer