Tollywood Blockbuster RRR became a global phenomenon also winning an Oscar Award for its Naatu Naatu song. There has been a constant buzz for the possibility of a sequel on social media. Many questions were also posed to Director Rajamouli and his father Vijayendra Prasad on the same as well. There are also rumours that the team made discussions on the sequel as well.
RRR’s documentary, RRR: Behind and Beyond is now streaming on Netflix. The documentary showcased the hardwork and dedication the entire team put into the film. In the docu, Vijayendra Prasad has interestingly quoted about leaving a lead for the sequel of RRR giving rise to sequel speculations again.
One of the lead Actors of the film, NTR also expressed that the sequel may happen sometime. The sequel will draw great attention if planned undoubtedly. Currently, Rajamouli is busy scouting for the locations of his upcoming film starring Mahesh Babu. This film is expected to go on floors next year in the month of January.