RRR Team has started promotions for the movie. As movie is all set to release on January 7th, they are being actively interacting with media in different states. The team is participating in trailer launch at different locations. Today, they had an interaction session with media in Karnataka. During this interaction, the media person has asked about AP ticket rates and how it is going to have impact on the movie.
Director DVV Danayya said that the ticket rates are going to affect the movie and they are trying to negotiate with the government of Andhra Pradesh. These ticket rates indeed have big impact on the movies. The films that have done and been profitable in different territories are also turning out to be a loss venture in Andhra, even if it is a minor loss.
There have been multiple discussions between producers and Perni Nani, minister in Andhra Pradesh but there has been no proper resolution for AP ticket rates issue. Recently Love Story producer Narayan Das Narang has also spoken about the ticket rate issue and now DVV has also been open about how it is going to impact the film.
We have more than 25 days for the movie so let us see whether AP government will budge about the ticket rates or not.