RRR team has applied for a ticket price hike and got Rs. 75 additional hike with the revised ticket prices in Andhra Pradesh. As we have informed earlier that the team was exclusively trying for hikes in Telangana also. The amount of ticket price hikes in Telangana are too huge. The audience are already feeling the heat with the ticket prices which are very higher in Telangana and have also affected the footfalls of the films. No film is performing better after the first weekend.
RRR team is trying for an extra Rs.100 hike with the current ticket prices. These prices are literally a shock to the audience. Earlier too there were huge ticket prices for many small and medium budget films. Prices even touched 390 in some multiplexes for these medium budgeted films. Any Big star-studded with these prices are overseen by people and are even encouraged by them. But prices amounting to this level is not good for small budget films. This would obviously make the audience avoid such films.
The government of Andhra Pradesh thought about the same and tried to bridge the gap between the ticket prices and the OTT prices so as to make the audience watch every film with less prices. But all celebrities stood against this decision and now charging very much. It has to be seen how it goes with these prices.