Director Rajamouli met AP Cinematography Minister Perni Nani on 15 March and appealed for the ticket price hike for his upcoming film RRR. But there was no official confirmation on the same from the Government’s side. The makers of RRR wanted a ticket price hike upto Rs. 300. Rajamouli even met the minister Perni Nani regarding this.
Now RRR finally got the ticket price hike it needed. An official G.O. was released regarding this. AP Cinematography Minister, Perni Nani interacted with media yesterday. And he even stated that a report was submitted by the team of RRR stating the budget of RRR as around Rs. 336 crores without the lead cast and director’s remuneration.
The G.O. released allows an additional Rs.75 price hike with the already revised ticket prices for 10 days from the first date of release of the film. RRR is slated for release on 25 March. The team and the star cast look very confident about the film. RRR’s length time is also fixed and it will be 3 hours and 6 Minutes 54 seconds long. Rajamouli’s earlier film Bahubali didn’t have a runtime of 3 hrs. Looks like Rajamouli wants to give time for both the stars on screen.