Master Director Rajamouli announced the start of countdown to RRR. RRR is just two weeks away. The most awaited film all over India is releasing on 25th March. He mentioned that count down will kick off from 14th March. But the celebrations among Ram charan and NTR fans are already started with this announcement. The team is releasing a song ‘Ethara Jenda’ on 14th March.
Usually Rajamouli will end the movie with a joyful song and we all know that how magadheera’s end song became super hit after the release. As per Rajamouli’s tweet ‘Ethara Jenda’ is a joyful song that comes at the end of the movie. But RRR team couldn’t hold the excitement and chose the song for kick starting the 10 days count down for the release.
The poster features Ramcharan, Tarak and Alia Bhat look like they dressed up for a dance number. Hope this song will be a instant blockbuster so that the excitement carries till the release. Though the previously released songs got good reviews but failed to become trending chartbusters. The audience know that Rajamouli will use those songs well in the movie so they didn’t get disappoint though they failed to create a mark. Let’s hope ‘Ethara Jenda’ will satisfy the audience and gives the enough mileage.