Tollywood Actor, Nithiin upcoming film, Robinhood teaser is out now on YouTube. The film also stars Sree Leela in the female lead role with direction by Venky Kudumula. The teaser promised fun ride again from the combo of Nithiin and Venky Kudumula who delivered their earlier blockbuster, Bheeshma on the same lines.
The film shows Nithiin also playing the titular role of Robinhood stealing the money and also being seen as an officer. Veteran Actor Rajendra Prasad also plays a vital role for the comic relief as seen in the teaser.
Robinhood is announced as a Christmas release officially in the teaser. It will also be a perfect time for the team to utilise for the film. Nithiin badly needs a hit after back to back disasters in the past years. So, let’s wait and see.