Ram Charan’s collaboration with aced director Shankar has got both the fans as well as industry insiders eagerly waiting. Producer Dil Raju, who will be bankrolling this ambitious project had earlier stated that the film will go on floors in July. However, the pandemic second wave and multiple legal hassles for Shankar meant further delay on #RC15.
According to the latest reports, the film’s pre-production works have already started. Moreover, this project is expected to go on floors in September now. Meanwhile, in the next couple of months time, Ram Charan will look to finish Acharya and RRR and then move on to Shankar film.
Multiple plotlines and theories have been floated about the movie. Some say that the Mega Power Star will be playing the role of a young and dynamic IAS officer fighting corruption. There is another set that believes that RC15 is going to be a re-adaptation of Shankar’s Mudhavalan (Oke Okkaddu).
We might have to wait for official word on the exact theme of Ram Charan & Shankar’s film. However, it is true that this film is going to be on an anti-corruption theme. Ram Charan’s character is going to play an anti-corruption crusader in this social drama. This film is going to be unlike any of the other Shankar films. Reportedly, heavy usage of VFX and costly sets that are a part of Shankar’s films will be missing in #RC15.