Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy said that the Central government discriminated against Telangana State in giving the Padma awards. As part of the Republic Day celebrations, the CM said that the BJP did not bother even to consider the names that the TG government sent. Revanth Reddy is unhappy with the Padma Awards.
Telangana State did not get the deserved Awards: CM Revanth Reddy
Speaking at the unveiling ceremony of the Ambedkar statue at Dr B R Ambedkar Open University. Revanth said “We recommended the names of Chukka Ramayya, Andesri, Gorati Venkanna, Gaddar, and Jayadheer Tirumala Rao but they (Centre) did not pay heed to it. Five awards have been given to Andhra Pradesh, but Telangana has not been given even four”, he said. Revanth Reddy is unhappy with the Padma Awards, and he said he would write a letter to the Central government against the discrimination shown in giving the Padma awards.
Also, the Telangana CM said that efforts are being made to take up the appointment of VCs through the UGC. He said the Centre’s attempt to dominate the UGC was not right, and alleged that the Centre was trying to take away the autonomy of the universities. “How can the Centre take over the state’s right over universities? He called upon the Centre to stop the conspiracies at any cost and stated the Telangana government would fight the UGC rules along with the Chief Ministers of other states. “The new UGC rules are an attack on the Constitution. The Centre is attacking the states. Will the Constitution survive with such policies?”. He demanded that the Centre should immediately withdraw the UGC rules.
The details of Recipients of Padma Awards – 2025:
A total of 139 Padma awardees have been selected by the Centre for the year 2025. Of these, 7 have been awarded the Padma Vibhushan, 19 Padma Bhushan, and 113 Padma Shri awards. As many as 23 women, 10 NRIs along with people from other countries have been selected for the Padma awards. From Telangana, Dr. Duvvur Nageshwar Reddy (Medicine) was selected for Padma Vibhushan and Mandakrishna Madiga (public affairs) received the Padma Shri award. From AP, Telugu hero Nandamuri Balakrishna (Arts) – Padma Bhushan, KL Krishna (Literature) – Padma Shri, Madugula Nagaphani Sharma (Arts) Padma Shri, Vaddiraju Raghavendracharya (Literature) – Padma Shri, Miryala Apparao (Arts) – Padma Shri were the recipients.