The rescue team safely lands Aamir Khan and Vishnu Vishal amid Chennai rains. The country’s southern states are still experiencing havoc caused by Cyclone Michaung. Cyclone Michaung caused the Chennai flood, actor Aamir Khan and Tamil actor Vishnu Vishal. New pictures of Aamir Khan in a rescue boat have been posted on the internet. Vishnu shared the images on X (Formerly Twitter).
Vishnu was seen in a rescue boat with Aamir Khan in the pictures. The actor Laal Singh Chaddha was observed wearing a white kurta and jeans. Vishnu Vishal’s wife, badminton player Jwala Gutta, was also spotted. The rescue team safely lands Aamir Khan and Vishnu Vishal amid Chennai rains.
Sharing the pictures on X, Vishnu wrote, “Thanks to the fire and rescue department helping people like us who are stranded. Rescue operations have started in Karapakkam…Saw 3 boats functioning already. Great work by TN govt in such testing times. Thanks to all the administrative people who are working relentlessly.” Vishnu Vishal also praised Tamil Star Ajith for helping him and shared a pic with him.
The heavy rains inundated several parts of the capital city of Tamil Nadu, causing severe damage to public life. The constant heavy rain caused flooding in several areas, including Wallajah Road, Mount Road, Anna Salai, Chepauk, the area near Omandurar government multi-specialty hospital, and other low-lying areas.